Saturday, March 29, 2008

March Madness

Finally March madness is coming to an end. EVERY Sunday we have had some sort activity to attend and tomorrow is no different. We started at The Big Apple Circus with the Bundonis family. Then we celebrated Jared's birthday, next onto Pseudo Easter, actual Easter, and tomorrow is Matteo Campos' christening. Busy, busy, busy...
In other news Blake celebrated his five month birthday, where did that time go? He thoroughly enjoys the excersaucer and jumperoo and can't get enough of Olivia (abuse and all). Blake has started some solid foods and even though the doctor told us it wouldn't make he sleep longer, ever since he started chomping he has slept at least 10 hours a night! So as March comes to an end, hopefully the cold weather will go with it...we are on to April, with dance recitals and other fun activities to follow.
Happy Five Months Little Man!

Monday, March 24, 2008

We were (almost) outnumbered!

The holidays have definitely taken on new meaning since having children. To see their little faces light up for something as simple as an egg hunt is priceless. This Easter we have three new additions (Blake, Cole, and Alexis) which made for seven adults and five kids! We were absolutely kept on our toes if you weren't holding an infant you were chasing a toddler. Olivia begins the egg hunt
Blake loves being outside even if he wasn't hunting for eggs.
Jared...aka The Ultimate Ladies Man...(check out the tie!)
Cole...just chillin'

Alexis looking concerned, maybe she knows something we don't! Like when all hell may break loose!

Carrots, sweets and fancy outfits

Olivia decided that since we leave goodies for Santa it was only fair to leave some treats for the Easter Bunny. After getting the carrots and celery ready, we were ready for sleep to dream about the six foot bunny that enters your house and leaves come no one questions this? Ah to be a kid again, nothing like magic. treats for the bunny
Olivia and Blake and all their loot.
Easter outfits
Is that my twin or Poppy? Bald heads and stick out ears... we love you both!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Egg Fun

I completley forgot about dyeing Easter eggs until Olivia reminded me that we did them "yesterday" now yesterday to her could mean anywhere from two minutes to two years ago. So we had a lot of fun mixing the colors on our eggs and our hands... Concentrating
Finally I get to see her smiling face in a picture!
Blake gets in on the fun...Happy Easter everyone!

Eye Update

An update on the eye...The red on the bottom is from a rubber band hair band that Olivia was wearing as a necklace and snapped in her face and of course the black is from our stairs. She was out of school for a week with the flu and this is how we brought her back!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The funniest pic ever!

So some of you have already seen this pic but I couldn't help sharing it with the rest of you! This picture was taking for Blake's christening in February. The lady at Kiddie Kandids first put him in this pose while he was wearing a sweater vest (much to Victor's dismay, he wants him to be an ultimate fighter...but I think that may be Olivia's newest profession) and Blake's bottom lip popped out and he let out quite a wail. But once this little jammy was put on, he felt like royalty I guess. EVERY pose with this outfit, he was beaming! My brother thinks we should photo shop a cigar and snifter in his hand.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


No eggs, but cheesy smiles!
Shaye and her lollipop!
Blake loves a good egg hunt.
The dreaded eye smash
So in grand Olivia tradition, the day before any photo opportunities (ie pseudo-Easter) she has to get o in some sort of injury to her face. The day before her first b-day pics, huge fat lip! I think every Christmas has begun or ended in a gash or two. So why would today be any different?

Since she was wearing her party shoes with skinny black jeans (she dressed herself) our hardwood no carpet stairs were no match . After we iced and cleared the blood we told her when anyone says to her "oh my Olivia you poor thing" she needs to follow up with "you should see the other guy!" And you know she of course will oblige.

We did have fun at the Easter Egg hunt with Shaye, even though neither girl got any eggs and some little girl took pity on us and gave them each one. Those pics were before the injury occurred. All in all it was an eventful Saturday in the Catalano household.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The flu sucks

Unfortunately Olivia has the flu...(why did I stick my kid with an unnecessary needle for the flu shot?) She is miserable and so are we! She had a crazy fever of 104.7 degrees and nothing else. When the fever broke out came the snots and this horrendous cough. I have never heard such strange noises come out of such a tiny mouth. Hopefully this will end quickly because we have a busy weekend ahead...Easter egg hunt on Saturday with the Bundonis' and Pseudo Easter on Sunday at the in laws. I am sure the next posting will have pictures!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So now for some updates

We love that toothless grin!
Olivia is on the far right being blinded by scarves!

Mr. Blake is now 4 months and 17 days old which makes Olivia 3 years 4 months and 18 days old! He is weighing it at a whopping 15 lbs. 10 oz. and is 25 inches long. For the past month, he has discovered that rolling over gets you places faster than just yelling for someone to move him. He loves to smile at his big sister and cracks up whenever she walks in the room which is basically what Victor and I do as well.

Now for Olivia she is the skinny minn of the family (why couldn't that be my role) she weighed 28 lbs at her three year check up and stands a little over three feet. She is very busy going to school two days a week and ballet/jazz class on Thursdays. It is a sea of pink when we arrive at her class. She loves it and has learned some of the proper ballet techniques as well as the proper words, to that of which she teaches us.

New at this

So I am definitely new to this whole blogging thing but thought it was worth a try. I feel like I have a lot going on and don't get to talk to everyone and update them. So with inspiration from Alison and her friends, I thought I would give it a try. This being my first post, it is just a practice run of trial and error.
Here we are at Blake's Christening, don't we look thrilled! It is the only pic I have of all of us...