Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Birthday Photo Shoot

We took the kids on the Sunday before the extravaganza for their pictures. Victor was quite impressed with how well the kids did! Birthday party pictures to follow...

Friday, October 24, 2008


I'm back...The Boolah is 1! I really can't begin to say the joy and love we feel for this little man. I think with Olivia, we were in awe of the fact that they le us take home from the hoptial and we were able to keep this little human being alive. So with Blake we are able to relax a little and enjoy every little thing he does. Even if he is pushing chairs up to windows to bang on them or climbling up onto tables to have a better look around.
He celebrated in his usual fashion of two naps and some cake. He loved his new train we bought him even without the batteries much to Olivia's dismay. So now we are just one day away from the double birthday bash! Hope we survive:)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


We hit another milestone in the Catalano household...Olivia turned 4! She kept asking me "am 4 yet mom?" So at 12:24pm her actual time of birth, I set an alarm to wish her a very happy birthday and to assure her she was officially 4! This news both thrilled and disturbed her all at the same time.
Victor and I decorated last night after she went to bed, so when she woke up she was in heaven. She said "hey guys thanks for the streamers!" Ahh the little things in life. Olivia invited four of her friends over for a princess party to dress up, make a magic wand, eat some pizza and cupcakes, and open her presents. I still can't believe it, but it's true...she's 4!

Blake checking out the balloons.

He was less than impressed with the present opening.

Most coveted gift...the "VIOLIN" I keep telling her it's a guitar.

So excited, I can't even stand it...(what's on the tv?)

More presents to open

Singing was less than thrilling

Eating pizza with Shaye and Nanny (I know what you're thinking Joanne..another food pic!)

Princess Ava

Megan rocking out the "formonica" as Olivia calls it.

Blake and his cupcake!

Even though I forgot to serve the fruit salad and put princess tattoos on the girls, we had a great day and are looking forward to Blake's birthday tomorrow!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Is this a joke?

How is it at all possible that by the end of this week, I will be the mother of a 4 year old daughter and a one year old son? Seriously when I think about it, my eyes well up! Does this mean I am not done reproducing? I certainly don't miss the baby baby stage of not sleeping and being sore but I also don't think that at 32 I am done having little Catalanos...

I thing my mother in law and Joanne's heads just exploded! I remember vividly during and after having Blake that I was adamantly DONE! Am I one of those women who keep having babies to always have little footsteps in the house?? NO! Maybe one (or two) more...Yup their heads definitely exploded!

Now I must get back to the party preparation extravaganza, so that my head doesn't do the same:)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Back to our roots

We met up with the Campos clan on Sunday for some good ol' fashioned Cranford Fair fun. Olivia loved the bouncy castles and slides, while Ava did not...Matteo fell asleep and Blake walked around clinging to strangers' legs. Victor and I scoped out the Cranny crowd for friends and people we also had to dodge:) Climbing the wall...notice how she doesn't use the rope...
She made it!
Aunt Ro and Matteo
This picture I snapped while we waited for Olivia to get out of ballet class.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Camera Woes

So our camera blew up on vacation (in July) well actually the flash blew up which means we can use it outside in the perfect light, but other than that...nada. So that being said I have had to rely on others to take indoor pics of our celebrations and general goings on. Here are some pictures of Olivia, Shaye and Blake celebrating Victor and Joanne's birthday at the in laws. So much love
Total cheese balls
Check out Shaye's olive hands
Blake is confused by all the chaos
Enjoying some ice cream cake...
We also had a blast at Riley's second birthday party but those pictures are stuck in the camera that is hopefully getting fixed at the camera store.