Thursday, February 12, 2009

Putting Victor and I to shame!

It was Olivia's friend, Megan's birthday last weekend. Sandy completely outdid herself and put Victor and I to shame. If you recall, in a previous post, Victor and I created a castle cake for Olivia's princess birthday. Well Sandy not only made an amazing teapot cake but the inside was a multi layered rainbow cake!! Oh yeah and a face painter, three tiered cookie tray and mini crust less sandwiches. It was great fun, even for Blake!
The Tea Party

Fairy dancing

The cake

The inside, shame such shame.

The Catalano kiddies

Okay so I don't know if I will get to post again this week before Victor and I embark on an adventure. We are off on a cruise to The Mexican Riviera sans kids. This is the first time minus today that we have left Blake and Olivia has only had a handful of sleepovers at my mom's. So I need some prayers ( and valium) to get through this:) If you don't pray please think happy thoughts that the Catalanos all make it through this week safely:) I know I have VERY irrational fears about this so every little bit helps!