Sunday, April 26, 2009

Post O' Pictures

This is a ridiculously long post of pictures. We have been crazy busy with the kids. We went to visit Mr. Griffin and that was certainly a highlight for both Olivia and myself. Although we were sad that Sir Riles was not there, we had our hands full with Blake. Within 30 seconds of our arrival to the Cook house, Blake manages to crawl into and fall out of a lego wagon, thus splitting his bottom lip. Great visit even if there was a little blood.

Mr. Grif Olivia snapped this one!

Little Mommy

Uncle Jim as per Olivia

Hey, why does this kid get a bottle and I don't??

Next onto the Easter festivities...Dyeing of the eggs, visiting family and catching chickens. Olivia is obviously NOT her mother's daughter as far as the catching, petting, riding of farm animals is concerned.

Yummy vinegar

Proud Lady

Whoa she collected all of these and then re-hid them since Blake was still asleep. What a great big sister!

Helping Blake open his remote control car. That Easter Bunny gives great gifts!

Easter outfits

Chicken girl

We also went to the Crayola Factory when Olivia was on Spring Break.

Blake and Mr. Crayon

Coloring Model Magic

Chalk Walk

The gang came over for a visit... Cole, Lexi, Olivia, Blake and Jared!

We celebrated Olivia's half birthday on the 23rd. We made a cake, she decorated it and we even had 4 1/2 candles.

Olivia and Paige celebrated her 4 1/2 birthday!

And then we celebrated Blake's 1 1/2 birthday! 18 months already, where has the time gone??

First BBQ of the season on our new deck, I can't believe it was almost 90 degrees in April!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tap Tap Tap

Miss Olivia had her tap recital last Saturday. I was so proud of her tapping her little heart out. It made my heart swell and my eyes well up seeing her on that stage. She was so excited and happy to be up there in front of everyone:) Such a cutie... Olivia and her flowers
Tap it out girls

Hold on this stage moving??

Via and her Daddy

Proud Lady