Friday, August 7, 2009

Oh my word!

So apparently summer (and facebook) has taken over my brain, and blogging has become a thing of the past. We are so incredibly busy with two kids, it takes all of me to make it past 10pm. July was filled with fun days at the pool with Mommy so happy that both Olivia and Blake were cautious swimmers. Olivia would flit around with her friends in the baby pool while Blake played with his paintbrushes, cups, and squirty fishes. Then came August...Olivia decided that she can swim underwater, and she does so quite impressively. She holds her breath for about 4 breaststrokes and does so with perfect form. And Blake also decided that jumping off the side in 2 feet of water, with or without supervision is a great idea. There goes my somewhat relaxing pool days. They are getting so big and Olivia (and Mommy) have already started planning the October birthday extravaganza:) Hopefully I will post again before that!
Waiting for Daddy Sesame Place with the Cooks and Campos'...notice how happy I am and then there is the the rest of the crew...
Olivia catching a bird at Turtle Back Zoo

Olivia and Blake's free lemonade stand...people actually stopped!

picnic in our backyard before demolition!