Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Halloween, Thanksgiving and Birthday!

We are back! With having our kids' birthdays only 1 day apart, October always seems like a blur. If that wasn't enough, we also celebrate 15 other birthdays in October as well. And of course Halloween can not be overlooked, as it is easily my most favorite holiday! This year I decided to let Olivia pick what she wanted to be and the rest of the family would follow suit. Since Blake doesn't yet have an opinion, everything went smooth. Truthfully I don't think he would've have minded this year since he got to be Superman! Well, he wore a Superman t-shirt I found at Old Navy on Halloween day because he wouldn't wear his fake ab costume! Lil' Stinker!
Blowing up balloons at Matteo's birthday party

Next we celebrated Thanksgiving, once ON T-day and once on the Saturday that followed. This way we were able to see both sides of the family.
Matching outfits (as usual)
Holy red eyes, Blake!

Turkey cupcakes that Olivia and I made...

Next bring on my birthday...Happy 34th to me! Careful Boolah!