Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New at this

So I am definitely new to this whole blogging thing but thought it was worth a try. I feel like I have a lot going on and don't get to talk to everyone and update them. So with inspiration from Alison and her friends, I thought I would give it a try. This being my first post, it is just a practice run of trial and error.
Here we are at Blake's Christening, don't we look thrilled! It is the only pic I have of all of us...


dan Wilkin said...

i just typed a long note, realized i didn't have a google account, and lost it all while setting it up. sawyer, harry, jenny and i are all well. i am very impressed with the blog. i have never done this before. happy birthday heather, 3+ months late. i hope you had a great time. all is well in the wilkin household except that harry skipped his nap today and is getting cranky, and sawyer had his shots the other day and has been a little irritated since......we hope all is well with you guys and hope to see you all soon.

NUMBER 1 NANNY said...

Dear Heather,

I love the blog. It is very fitting that I started to comment on March 12,2008. Your Godfather bill would be very proud of you. Love Number 1 Nanny