Monday, March 24, 2008

We were (almost) outnumbered!

The holidays have definitely taken on new meaning since having children. To see their little faces light up for something as simple as an egg hunt is priceless. This Easter we have three new additions (Blake, Cole, and Alexis) which made for seven adults and five kids! We were absolutely kept on our toes if you weren't holding an infant you were chasing a toddler. Olivia begins the egg hunt
Blake loves being outside even if he wasn't hunting for eggs.
Jared...aka The Ultimate Ladies Man...(check out the tie!)
Cole...just chillin'

Alexis looking concerned, maybe she knows something we don't! Like when all hell may break loose!

1 comment:

Buns&Donuts said...

GREAT PICS! The twins look wonderful and the easter outfits were very cute. Blake looks so big already! And Olivia so trendy! We missed seeing you on Easter.