Monday, May 12, 2008

Biter Biscuits and Mother's Day Celebrations

Since Blake now has two teeth, we decided to test them out. He has been chomping on bagels and had his first biter biscuit experience. I forgot just how messy those things are. So he then received his first biter biscuit bath. Olivia had a Mother's Day celebration at school where the kids put on a show and then we dined on finger sandwiches that ten three year olds made...yummy. They sang a song called "Mom, Mom I love Mom" it ended with "wonderful, fabulous, super duper Mom." I know I am a sap but that was really cute!

Olivia and Paige
Singing and dancing with Charlie
We also celebrated Mother's Day with a brunch at our house. The Jacobus clan and the Bundonis family were in attendance along with Grandad. It was a lovely day as Olivia would say.Jared and his cream cheese face!

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