Sunday, August 24, 2008

10 months!!

Happy 10 Months Blake! I can't believe it but it's true. He is trying to walk and likes to stand up, let go and look around giggling like he is so proud of himself. We took a picnic lunch to the circle park in Watchung and really enjoyed the day. The monkey bars and swings were definite highlights. While sitting on the blanket, I got a little teary eyed thinking of how I wish I could freeze this day in time. Victor helping almost 4 year old Olivia climb while I sat with my Boolah and enjoyed some goldfish. So memorable and sappy:) Will stand for food
Olivia has mastered pumping on the swings. She has also figured out how to give herself enough momentum to get up on the swing and not need a first push to get started.
I love this pic!
what up yo?

4-H Fair

When I was a kid, living in Cranford, my mom entered me in the 4-H Fair of Union County with our goat, Molly Jo. Of course I won some award probably for weirdest pet in Union County, or "geez kid here's a ribbon for all the ridicule you will soon encounter." Well, Olivia and Blake's first 4-H experience was way different. We met up with Nanny, Poppy and Jared for some petting zoo and amusement ride/game fun. It was definitely a podunk affair but a good time nonetheless. Blake was such a trooper eating sno-cones with no flavor and crawling around wherever Mom thought clean enough...
Olivia hamming it up with a goaty goat! Blake eating as usual
Okay so this ride still has me laughing out loud. My mom insisted that Olivia couldn't go on this by herself, even though Victor and I said we watched her do it in LBI and she blew away the older kids, so Nanny dragged Victor along for the ride...literally. Victor was to be in charge of Olivia and Nanny for Jared. Olivia took off and was at least two full obstacles ahead while my mom was white knuckling the cargo net and yelling to Victor to grab Jared! Nanny is DEATHLY afraid of heights and obviously didn't think this one through. So my dad and I stood on the ground trying not to pee ourselves while we watched the train wreck that is Nanny. Man alive this was funny and I am still giggling as I type.
This was a scary fishing pit with a cracked out worker guy from Tampa. They were not fish but very scary looking sharks with crazy hooks all over their bodies.
Blake and his non sno cone!
Oh yeah and my quiet, even tempered, never make a fuss Dad told one of the crack heads to have a nice day using the F-word:) All in all a great day!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Peach Picking Extravaganza!

Yesterday I gave Olivia two choices for the day's activity...the zoo or peach picking...I can't believe she picked to go get peaches. I think it was because it was uncharted territory for her. We waited for Blake (who is weighing in at 20lbs 9oz and 29 inches long) to get up from a ridiculously long nap and off we went. I didn't realize what a workout I would get having to drag our umbrella stroller with Blake inside, remember aforementioned weight, up a gravel path. We couldn't push it because of the gravel and Olivia was carrying the basket, which was almost as big as her while wearing party shoes that she insisted on wearing. Olivia in action.
Blake was less than thrilled.
The yummy pay off
Now Blake got into the action of eating.
"Yumma do" as Olivia would say.
And I even made a pie, Thanks Al!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

More Parties!

This weekend was our cousin Abby's second birthday! We celebrated in style with a full fledged Dora party. It was fun to see all the family and let the kids play in the backyard with no worries. (beside the occasional disagreement over a crayon, clay, or chair) For some reason some pics are coming up mini and some regular sized...who knows??
BIRTHDAY GIRL...ABIGAIL Blake climbed in this wagon and stood up so proudly. Thanks to Auntie Jo Jo for snapping this one and all the others.
Abby and Olivia off roading in the Barbie Jeep.
THESE GIRLS ARE UP TO SOMETHIN'...We are in trouble in about 10 years!
I must be saying something interesting and apparently mesmerizing!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I took the kids for professional pictures today with Aunt Vicki. She didn't realize how much work and sweat goes into getting a great shot from two kids. But we got fantastic ones! I don't know why they came up miniature...Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Sammy!

We celebrated Sammy Berlin's first birthday this weekend. The kids had so much fun seeing their friends and I of course enjoyed mine. Victor didn't make it due to that annoying thing called work!
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! Blake in the jumpy castle with Aunt Ro
What's with the attitude girls?
The gang

Monday, August 4, 2008


We spent the week in Beach Haven, LBI. The weather was phenomenal and so were the kids. After we finally figured out somewhat of a tag team schedule both parents and kids had some beach and pool time. Now we usually rent an oceanfront house but this year the pickins were slim, so we settled on a oceanfront condo with pool. Now the pool was definitely a bonus but sharing a deck, grill and picnic table was not. I am used to having our own stuff and the ability to sit outside and relax while the kids nap. I felt a little like a prisoner to the condo the first day as Blake took 2 almost 3 hour naps! But we figured it out and enjoyed ourselves. We had a nice visit with the Cooks and ate some tasty Chicken or the Egg for lunch.
When we got home on Saturday, unpacked the car, Victor and I looked at each other and said "okay so now when is our vacation?"

Riley and Via tubin' When I went to snap this, Riley said "CHEESE" so loudly!
Olivia on the pink elephants and some feast of something or other
Olivia had her first crush on a much older man. This sweet boy, Eric was staying in our complex and was so good to both Olivia and Blake. He was so kind and willing to share all his diving toys. Olivia would look out at the pool and say " Nope I don't see Eric yet." She was head over heels for him. Here they were catching jellyfish and throwing them back in the ocean to save their lives. (according to Eric)
The only pic of Mommy the entire vacation!
Blake actually managed to leave some sand at the beach!
I love this picture of Via!
Daddy and Boolah
Chillin at the rides!