Sunday, August 24, 2008

4-H Fair

When I was a kid, living in Cranford, my mom entered me in the 4-H Fair of Union County with our goat, Molly Jo. Of course I won some award probably for weirdest pet in Union County, or "geez kid here's a ribbon for all the ridicule you will soon encounter." Well, Olivia and Blake's first 4-H experience was way different. We met up with Nanny, Poppy and Jared for some petting zoo and amusement ride/game fun. It was definitely a podunk affair but a good time nonetheless. Blake was such a trooper eating sno-cones with no flavor and crawling around wherever Mom thought clean enough...
Olivia hamming it up with a goaty goat! Blake eating as usual
Okay so this ride still has me laughing out loud. My mom insisted that Olivia couldn't go on this by herself, even though Victor and I said we watched her do it in LBI and she blew away the older kids, so Nanny dragged Victor along for the ride...literally. Victor was to be in charge of Olivia and Nanny for Jared. Olivia took off and was at least two full obstacles ahead while my mom was white knuckling the cargo net and yelling to Victor to grab Jared! Nanny is DEATHLY afraid of heights and obviously didn't think this one through. So my dad and I stood on the ground trying not to pee ourselves while we watched the train wreck that is Nanny. Man alive this was funny and I am still giggling as I type.
This was a scary fishing pit with a cracked out worker guy from Tampa. They were not fish but very scary looking sharks with crazy hooks all over their bodies.
Blake and his non sno cone!
Oh yeah and my quiet, even tempered, never make a fuss Dad told one of the crack heads to have a nice day using the F-word:) All in all a great day!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I would paid good $$ to hear your dad use the F-bomb...GO GO GO Fred!