Thursday, October 23, 2008


We hit another milestone in the Catalano household...Olivia turned 4! She kept asking me "am 4 yet mom?" So at 12:24pm her actual time of birth, I set an alarm to wish her a very happy birthday and to assure her she was officially 4! This news both thrilled and disturbed her all at the same time.
Victor and I decorated last night after she went to bed, so when she woke up she was in heaven. She said "hey guys thanks for the streamers!" Ahh the little things in life. Olivia invited four of her friends over for a princess party to dress up, make a magic wand, eat some pizza and cupcakes, and open her presents. I still can't believe it, but it's true...she's 4!

Blake checking out the balloons.

He was less than impressed with the present opening.

Most coveted gift...the "VIOLIN" I keep telling her it's a guitar.

So excited, I can't even stand it...(what's on the tv?)

More presents to open

Singing was less than thrilling

Eating pizza with Shaye and Nanny (I know what you're thinking Joanne..another food pic!)

Princess Ava

Megan rocking out the "formonica" as Olivia calls it.

Blake and his cupcake!

Even though I forgot to serve the fruit salad and put princess tattoos on the girls, we had a great day and are looking forward to Blake's birthday tomorrow!


michelle said...

Happy 4th Birthday Olivia!!!

Mama Pierce said...

That pink guitar rules. I predict she will rule the rock world one day. Let me know if she ever needs a drummer.
Happy Birthday!!

Jim said...

happy birthday!
but whats the deal with the christmas shirt? Not even halloween yet ;)

Heather said...

Leave me alone, it's my jammies! Isn't Victor a lucky man:)

Alison said...

I just had a 2 minute fight that the xmas pjs were Olivia's and not I expanded the pic and lo and behold, there were boobies! Nice pjs Heath!