Monday, October 20, 2008

Is this a joke?

How is it at all possible that by the end of this week, I will be the mother of a 4 year old daughter and a one year old son? Seriously when I think about it, my eyes well up! Does this mean I am not done reproducing? I certainly don't miss the baby baby stage of not sleeping and being sore but I also don't think that at 32 I am done having little Catalanos...

I thing my mother in law and Joanne's heads just exploded! I remember vividly during and after having Blake that I was adamantly DONE! Am I one of those women who keep having babies to always have little footsteps in the house?? NO! Maybe one (or two) more...Yup their heads definitely exploded!

Now I must get back to the party preparation extravaganza, so that my head doesn't do the same:)


Alison said...

2 more? I think my head just exploded!

Karly said...

You are a great mom... I hope to see more! Maybe you will be lucky to have twins next... and then you can really be done?!