Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh man!

Olivia and Blake before the barf fest!
Recently I was caught bragging about how Olivia must have immunity to the stomach bug since we made it through the summer without barfing. (you can see where this is going) On Sunday she was complaining that her belly hurt and by the evening she blew up her cheeks, Victor ran her to the bathroom, and unfortunately the toilet lid was down...Oh man...Victor was trying to clean it up all the while dry heaving and gagging, as I looked on yelling "get it together, you are the father!" Luckily it only happened once, and she was back to her ole loony self.

I was also caught bragging about how Blake got his first fever and ear infection at almost 15 months. It was his first real illness. Fast forward to last night. He went to bed as usual but as I was watching the no longer tranny making out with a girl on The Real World, I heard something. I determined it was not the normal whining and when I went in to check on him, the poor boy was covered head to toe and screaming. He then proceeded to squeeze Victor's arms and pitch all down the front of his shirt, numerous times. We hoped it was over, but it continued three more times throughout the night. But this morning, Blake woke up, so happy (and slightly stinky) but happy nonetheless.

So I have come to the conclusion that not only does the gossiping need to be curtailed but so does the immunity bragging!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year!

We celebrated New Year's at an amazing party thrown by Rose. The DJ played some music that had Aunt Ro, Aunt Celi, me, and of course Uncle Jorge really cutting a rug, not to mention Olivia and Ava.

Now onto the resolutions...
Me: to gossip less, I am well aware that my head may pop off but I am willing to try.
Victor: To a (better) driver:)
Olivia: to stop picking up her brother and get rid of the night night diaper
Blake: to get off the bottle
Now Blake is the only one truly following through with his resolution. I have cheated from time to time, and Miss Via is still holding on to that crutch that is the n.n. diaper. Ava and Olivia cutting it up

What a shocker, a family photo where the kids aren't looking!

Mr. Blake

The ladies