Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year!

We celebrated New Year's at an amazing party thrown by Rose. The DJ played some music that had Aunt Ro, Aunt Celi, me, and of course Uncle Jorge really cutting a rug, not to mention Olivia and Ava.

Now onto the resolutions...
Me: to gossip less, I am well aware that my head may pop off but I am willing to try.
Victor: To a (better) driver:)
Olivia: to stop picking up her brother and get rid of the night night diaper
Blake: to get off the bottle
Now Blake is the only one truly following through with his resolution. I have cheated from time to time, and Miss Via is still holding on to that crutch that is the n.n. diaper. Ava and Olivia cutting it up

What a shocker, a family photo where the kids aren't looking!

Mr. Blake

The ladies


michelle said...

great pictures. we too are trying to get rid of the night night diaper. the progress has been great but i think we still have a while to go. good luck olivia (and the rest of you guys too). fyi-it's nice to hear that he's not the only one still in diapers at night.

Heather said...

She actually is dry more than not, but I think I am more attached to it than her. I just can't bear the thought of changing sheets in the middle of the night!