Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kid Update

Not much to report on the kid front. Olivia is doing great in school, and her teacher keeps telling me how kind she is to the other kids, which makes me well up every time. Her ballet/tap recital is coming up as is the circus. Good times lay ahead. Here she is hamming it up and Jared's birthday. What's with the head tilt?
Mr. Blake aka Lil' Hef is loving wearing Olivia's bathrobe even with this jammies on. I guess a more masculine bathrobe will be delivered by the Easter Bunny:) He is starting to talk a little more and loves to dance. He closes his eyes and rocks out with Victor's ipod. He also has learned how to pitch fits...which is always a good time, he crawls into a little ball and when you go to grab him...spaghetti legs!!

1 comment:

Mama Pierce said...

This picture of Blake is GREAT!!