Monday, March 29, 2010

More Drama

Blake didn't want to be outdone by big sister Olivia losing her teeth, so I am sure you know where this is going...Yup he knocked out his front top tooth climbing up our playground ladder outside our house. I, of course, see a tooth on the ladder with no blood on it, and decide it must be a squirrel tooth! Duh! It just didn't seem like that big of a fall and as I was checking all body parts I realized that the tooth I was holding was Blake's indeed! Root and all...

Needless to say, I was a bit traumatized... However, after eating an ice pop Blake said "ok I go on Jumpy House now?" ...Such a boy...Now I haven't been able to get a good picture of Mr. Podunk. but I have about 4 years until his adult tooth grows in, right?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Believe it or not...

OLIVIA LOST HER FIRST TOOTH! She was telling me that her teeth hurt and when we checked in her mouth, there it was all wiggly. Then of course the questions..."Mom, do you think apples will help,? Mom, maybe today,? Mom, does it look looser,? How about now,? Needless to say after 8 days of this, I was over the moon when she was eating an Easy Bake Oven (thank you Auntie Alison) pretzel, out came the tooth. The tooth fairy gave 20 smackers! Olivia had a plan for her money of course. So we went to Toys R Us in the morning to purchase Barbie's peeing and pooping puppies. Such a quality investment:) The pictures to follow are annoyingly out of order!

Onto Blake...HE IS COMPLETELY POTTY TRAINED! Around Christmas he pushed Olivia off the toilet and said "I go." And so the rest is history. We have had a few fights over wearing a pullup at night. After finding his pullup on the floor outside his crib, his jammies put back on inside, and Mr. Blake fast asleep, I decided to let him win. He is dry all the time now if I could only get him to wear underwear. My little Commando.

Blake got a pitching baseball game, he saw it in a catalog, and would ask everyday, "Mama, you buy baseball game now?" Poor kid we finally broke down, since we're not buying diapers anymore, we have some dough to spend.

buying Barbie and the puppies

Crazy missing tooth lady:)