Saturday, July 31, 2010


The month of July has been crazy busy for us. Going to the pool, tball twice a week, and up to Nanny's for Pony Club. Olivia has been practicing riding the pony each week and really wanted a blue ribbon. Now truth be told, she didn't want the blue because it represented 1st place, she wanted it because it was BLUE! Well thankfully on Thursday, she posted perfectly, which means her bum comes out of the saddle in perfect rhythm to the pony's trot and she won a blue ribbon! So excited, both Nanny and me cried. Then we come home, nap, shower and get ready for Tball. She got a trophy and a new hat to commemorate her awesome time at tball.
As for Blake he's along for the ride, getting into trouble, narrowly escaping injury, being his all time happy self:)
dirty Olivia with her new hat and cool trophy So happy, she placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in her class and won a Reserved Champion as well.

and Cool Guy Blake
you're welcome, Alison:)


Alison said...

Thanks ;)

Karly said...

Blake looks like you Heather... a handsome variety. Way to go Olivia. Already a busy girl!!