Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Lady!

Old Swampy our crocodile cake
All our friends at The Turtle Back Zoo party


Is it really that time again? How can my sweet baby that came into this world so easily, be six years old and barreling through life at warp speed? Miss Olivia has officially turned six. Not only is she going to kindergarten but she has become quite the soccer star! Olivia keeps us on our toes and makes sure she is in on all the business. She is such an amazing big sister to Captain Obnoxious aka Blake and has the patience of a saint when it comes to him:) We are enjoying watching her turn into quite the old soul, wise beyond her years...We love you sweet girl and once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY! xoxo


Alison said...

We call Riley Captain Obvious! Haw!

Karly said...

Need bigger pictures! I want to see every detail possible. Such a fun treat to talk to Olivia on our girls 6th birthday!

xoxo Karly