Saturday, December 27, 2008


delivering the goodies

Olivia telling me which house to deliver to next

The happy little elves

After we had Olivia I started to think of traditions that I would like to have for our family. It starts on Thanksgiving where we donate food to the Boy Scouts to distribute to our local food pantries. Olivia loves picking out the food that she thinks other people might like. Right before Christmas we spend 2 days making cookies, fudge, ( not chocolate covered pretzels) and peppermint bark. Olivia and I and now Blake pack up all the goodies in our wagon to give out to our neighbors. This year Olivia turned to me and said "mom, doesn't it just feel good to give to other people?" With tears in my eyes I gave her the biggest hug and thought I guess I am doing something right.
We also have traditions that were mine as a kid and now have been passed onto my own. Such as I always place my parents' angel on the top of their tree with a picture to document, and now so does Olivia on our tree. We always eat turkey with all the fixins and MUST have celery with cream cheese for an appetizer. We whip our own cream in my grandmother's red bowl, which didn't work this year since light cream was bought, oh well we tried. We have English Christmas crackers that always have a little prize in them with a ridiculous paper crown which inevitably turns Victor into Jughead.
And lastly the blessed matching Christmas jammie tradition. And yes, Victor does wear them as long as they don't get posted on Facebook. Alison, don't get any ideas...we'll be heading to divorce court!
We hope everyone enjoyed their own holiday traditions, and maybe made some new ones. Happy New Year and I am sure funny New Year pics to follow as we were out with the Campos and Berlin clans!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Snow much fun!

I made the mistake of telling Olivia we could go outside after it stopped snowing. So when she excitedly looked out the window and exclaimed "let's go!" it was at that exact moment that not only did Blake wake up but it was also sleeting. Anyway it took us about 15 minutes to get all the gear on, and then we lasted about 20 minutes outside!
I love this pic of Blake, how cute in the bibs!
getting on the gear

building "Snowy"

Snow Angel

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Angel

Olivia's school does a Christmas play and she chose to be one of the angels. Her teachers did an awesome job having each kid practice all the parts of the play and then the day of they got to choose the part they wanted. Victor and I tried to coach her as the part of Mary, but when asked "why the angel?" She responded "have you seen the costume?" The play, of course, made me tear up, man I am such a sap! They even had shepards and innkeepers, so cute. And the best part was Olivia asking what "frankensex" was?? Wishing us a merry Christmas, with Peter the shepard.

The real deal

Such cherubs

or not...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Campos Christmas Party

Every year the Campos family graciously hosts a Christmas party for the "bbq" friends. We had good food, great drinks, and even better company. The kids had a wonderful time trashing Ava's room, well that is until Santa arrived. Olivia hid in Ava's room, watching Tinkerbell, while Blake looked on quite wearily. Matteo bit Rose and Ava clung to her as though Santa may take a chunk out of her as well. Pete yelled 'hey that's daddy!" and Gabriella said "that's it, this is all I am getting?" Classic. Daddy and Boolah

Mommy trying to put on Olivia's new bracelet
Blake and the Dora kitchen

So much sibling love...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Got You All Beat!

I had these great pictures from my birthday and tree trimming, but definitely had to fore go them for this beauty. Such torture, but quite funny. Blake was so happy before sitting on the big guy's lap. Check out the white knuckles on the Elmo radio, and his other hand pushing Santa away! Poor boy, but again, hilarious! (If you are wondering where Olivia was, she wouldn't even get out of the stroller!)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Jams

These jammies pretty much sum up our Thanksgiving...Olivia's say "Everyone is thankful for me!" and Blake's say "who you calling a turkey?" We had a great day and I did take other pics but thought this one was too cute and needed it's own post:) And Happy Birthday to Mr. Jim (Buttercup) Cook:)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmas Pictures

We decided to have a little Christmas picture photo shoot this past weekend. Oh boy, what were we thinking. The kids were less than willing to sit together, look at the camera and of course, smile...I mean is it really that hard to get a four and one year old to comply? The answer is a resounding, YES! So we bagged the shoot an went to Panera (Olivia's favorite) for lunch. When we got home, we hit the jackpot! But you'll just have to wait until your card comes in the mail. And yes, the cards are done, addressed and ready to go out. I thought I would wait until after Thanksgiving to not rush the season, even though my shopping is DONE:)
The beginning of the shoot Oh no it's going south

What the?

Not bad

Oh forget it! Let's go to lunch!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Shaye Shaye!

This weekend we celebrated Shaye's 3rd birthday, her theme was purple and red, her two favorite colors. With ten kids and Olivia being the oldest we were a little leery but the kids proved us wrong. Everyone was very well behaved and enjoyed themselves...even the adults. Licking the candles

Introducing our newest cousin, Claire...Olivia was THRILLED to be the only kid to hold her!

Blake, less than excited...I was trying to show off my new hair:)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

My brother asked me to help him out on Tuesday and watch his kids (plus mine, obviously) while he takes a conference call at 11:00am. Now all was well, Jared and Olivia were playing ( I use this term loosely) while Blake was following them around, and both Cole and Lex were asleep. Jason goes to take his call at 10:59am and the twins are calling from the cribs at 11:01am!! As I approached the door, I could hear them happily talking to each other, until that is, they saw me. Both start wailing, Cole lets me take him out of his crib while Lex is crawling into the corner to get away! I finally get her out and she clutches my neck and is screaming in my ear. I then proceeded to put Cole down and he stood holding my legs while Lexi continued to yell. Good times, right? They both finally chilled after hearing Olivia speak in the highest pitched voice, ever...She does that voice while playing doll house as well...Then the crew wanted lunch.. And by the grace of god, Jason finished just in time for the lunch rush:)
Olivia has got the magic touch Blake and Cole

Olivia hamming it up with Cole

The gang...This is the only pic with all of them, Blake kept crawling away. So sorry that Cole is beating on Lexi!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Is this a baptism or a wedding?

Last Sunday we attended Francesco Raucci's baptism. But realistically it was a wedding...not even a mini wedding but a full on wedding without a bride or groom. Cocktail hour, five course meal, Venetian table, you name it, they had it.(even a photo booth) We had a great time, Olivia, Blake and Shaye danced the night away...And even when we got home, Blake was still raring to go while Olivia was shot. And of course I have no pics of the baby whose party it was...Oh yeah and there were 250 people there and a million kids!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Park Fun

We hit the park today to burn off some energy before the weather gets too cold and we are stuck inside! Olivia does pretty cool tricks and Blake loves hanging from the bars. We were hanging out with a family that had four kids and let's just say I may be rethinking a previous post.
Here's one of Livi's cool tricks, check out Blake in the back...
Yay for Blake!

Oh boy is Olivia helping? I am not so sure...

Mr. Boolah

Checking out Dad in the tunnel

Tire swing

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Growing Up

We had our four year and one year checkups for Olivia and Blake respectively. Olivia threw Blake to the wolves and allowed him to go first. She said it was because he was the youngest but I was on to her...Send in the little guy first maybe they will forget about me. Blake is growing right on schedule weighing in at 21lbs 9 oz and stands tall at 30 in. He is quite the walker and we went yesterday to buy him his first pair of big bog shoes. To put in perspective...Blake measured a size 5 for his first shoes while Olivia was only a 3! Granted she walked at 9 1/2 months but still he is quite the bruiser.
Next onto Olivia, she weighs a whopping 33lbs and stands at 40 in. We were so happy she finally hit 30 lbs! They gave her vision and hearing tests, that of which she failed miserably. I was cracking up laughing when the nurse, turns to me and says "I can the beeps from here!" hey lady she just turned 4, "raise your hand when you hear the beep" just may be a little beyond her. First she did nothing, then raised her hand the entire time. Then for vision they put her out the hall and tell her to hold the eye patch over her eye. Yeah right. She was looking at the ceiling, down at her shoes and so on. I couldn't stop laughing, I think the nurse thought I was crazy but seriously it was so humorous to see people walk in front of Olivia while she is doing a vision test...classic...
Then the shots. Whoa baby, Olivia again sent Blake in first. Let's just say by the end I was sweating and my knees were weak. I will NEVER do a double shot visit again by myself. After the bucking bronco that is Blake went, I had to strap him in to the stroller and then restrain Olivia! Ridiculous:)

Monday, November 3, 2008


So for those of you who don't know, Halloween is my all time favorite day of every year! So we started the day off at Olivia's school with her as Snow White and Blake as a chicken. Then we went trick or treating with Shaye the pumpkin and Olivia Snow White, Blake the Frog Prince and me as Mommy Snow White. We also met up with Olivia' boyfriend Max who plays for Green Bay! After all of the actual Halloween festivities we were on to Matteo's 1st birthday bash/costume party (on Saturday)...Olivia was now Cinderella, I was Felicity Shagwell, Victor Dr. Evil, and Blake as Mini Me! We had a great time and I am already thinking of next year's costumes:) For some reason the pics are a little out of order but you get the idea!

Olivia and Max gave up trick or treating and decided to chat about hot dogs in the wagon! Nice pose Snow White

The dueling Snow Whites

Mommy and her prince

Oh look a chicken!

The ladies and the boys

Dr Evil looked more like condom head!

Aunt Vicki the flapper

Dr. Evil and Mini Me

Cinderella the Cat?