Saturday, November 22, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

My brother asked me to help him out on Tuesday and watch his kids (plus mine, obviously) while he takes a conference call at 11:00am. Now all was well, Jared and Olivia were playing ( I use this term loosely) while Blake was following them around, and both Cole and Lex were asleep. Jason goes to take his call at 10:59am and the twins are calling from the cribs at 11:01am!! As I approached the door, I could hear them happily talking to each other, until that is, they saw me. Both start wailing, Cole lets me take him out of his crib while Lex is crawling into the corner to get away! I finally get her out and she clutches my neck and is screaming in my ear. I then proceeded to put Cole down and he stood holding my legs while Lexi continued to yell. Good times, right? They both finally chilled after hearing Olivia speak in the highest pitched voice, ever...She does that voice while playing doll house as well...Then the crew wanted lunch.. And by the grace of god, Jason finished just in time for the lunch rush:)
Olivia has got the magic touch Blake and Cole

Olivia hamming it up with Cole

The gang...This is the only pic with all of them, Blake kept crawling away. So sorry that Cole is beating on Lexi!

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