Thursday, November 6, 2008

Growing Up

We had our four year and one year checkups for Olivia and Blake respectively. Olivia threw Blake to the wolves and allowed him to go first. She said it was because he was the youngest but I was on to her...Send in the little guy first maybe they will forget about me. Blake is growing right on schedule weighing in at 21lbs 9 oz and stands tall at 30 in. He is quite the walker and we went yesterday to buy him his first pair of big bog shoes. To put in perspective...Blake measured a size 5 for his first shoes while Olivia was only a 3! Granted she walked at 9 1/2 months but still he is quite the bruiser.
Next onto Olivia, she weighs a whopping 33lbs and stands at 40 in. We were so happy she finally hit 30 lbs! They gave her vision and hearing tests, that of which she failed miserably. I was cracking up laughing when the nurse, turns to me and says "I can the beeps from here!" hey lady she just turned 4, "raise your hand when you hear the beep" just may be a little beyond her. First she did nothing, then raised her hand the entire time. Then for vision they put her out the hall and tell her to hold the eye patch over her eye. Yeah right. She was looking at the ceiling, down at her shoes and so on. I couldn't stop laughing, I think the nurse thought I was crazy but seriously it was so humorous to see people walk in front of Olivia while she is doing a vision test...classic...
Then the shots. Whoa baby, Olivia again sent Blake in first. Let's just say by the end I was sweating and my knees were weak. I will NEVER do a double shot visit again by myself. After the bucking bronco that is Blake went, I had to strap him in to the stroller and then restrain Olivia! Ridiculous:)

1 comment:

michelle said...

I took Dylan & Mia last week too and just like Olivia, Dylan threw Mia in 1st. i'll never, never do it solo again either.I love the halloween all look adorable!