Monday, June 30, 2008

Sprinkler Fun!

Olivia has been enjoying some sprinkler fun over the last couple weeks but I never captured it on film since she usually goes in with Victor after Blake is in bed and I am doing whatever in the house. We busted it out this Saturday while Victor was at work and even Blake got in the action. Well not really he either cried or screamed when Olivia turned up the water too high and it got him soaked! Super fun dancing
He loves that suntan lotion bottle.
look at those chompers!
We also went to visit our friends the Massas. They welcomed a little baby girl Kaitlyn Hope. Olivia couldn't have been more excited to meet her. She held her, and fed her and was thrilled when Kaitlyn fell asleep on her! What a little mommy she will long as she waits another 20 plus years!

In other news...I used to poke fun of Mr. Riley's "podunk" teeth until quite recently. Well since I looked inside Blake's mouth and noticed one fang was through then a space then a tooth and then nothing! So he basically had every other tooth poking through on the top. They have now all poked through and vary in length which is quite funny to look at! So my apologies to Riley...

Blake is also pulling up on everything but has yet to figure out how to get down semi gracefully. I hate the head bonking stage!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Jacobus Compound

Since I have a weird obsession about posting Blake's month milestones on the actual day of his month birthdays, I had to forgo this weekends festivities. My mother likes to pretend that my friends are her friends so she has us up to her house for some yummy food, good company and of course the animals. Now being the genius I am, I remembered I didn't have the camera until we were already on 78, so we relied on Auntie Alison and Uncle Jim to help us out. (unfortunately they left before horse rides on Sassy, but did capture some great memories) Fishing with Riley and Olivia
New baby chicks that Olivia has named Hannah and Joel, even though there are seven they are named either Hannah of Joel!

Mr. Blue eyed Blake
Jared taking a he naked?
Who me? I swear I didn't squirt you...
The babies as Olivia likes to call them...we are trying to not call them the twins all the time:)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eight Months Baby!

Can you believe our little boolah is eight months old already. We weighed him the other night and he is tipping the scale at 19lbs 8oz. He loves to crawl and just yesterday figured out how to pull up to the couch. He was so proud and full on belly laughing when he did it! It only happened once but today I caught him on his knees pulling up on one of Olivia's chairs.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I think these pictures speak for themselves. When we arrived at Olivia's first gymnastics class, this is what she looked like...she was a little apprehensive to the overwhelming nature of Mr. TJ, but soon warmed up and was raring to go!

I will leave you with this...ever try to get a urine sample from a three year old? Not pretty, hygenic or dry for that matter!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Since I totally dropped the ball in sending Auntie a card I thought I could pay homage this way. This pic was taken our freshman year of high school at a softball game. You can tell how into the game we are! So Happy Birthday Old Girl, we love you:)

Crazy Busy Weekend

On Saturday we took Olivia for a special Mommy and Daddy day o' fun. She went on her first train ride to New York Penn to see the Backyardigans! It was quite exciting, she loved looking out the window and of course at all the "different" people on the train. There was one man in particiular that kept both Victor and I entertained, as he screamed into the phone that "he was just being honest and that the cabbage he bought was less than $10!" When I say screaming I mean like he was in the front row of concert trying to talk to someone in the back row on the third level! It was ridiculous...and so enjoyable all at the same time. So after the Backyardigans Olivia slept on the train ride home (she also slept on the way there) we got home just in time for a downpour... train ride
$20 Tasha tee Daddy purchased on his popcorn run
Good morning Daddy. We decided to make Victor breakfast...And then off to Auntie Jo Jo's and thento Uncle Jason's. It was a pretty hectic day but worth the trips as we got to see both sides of the family.
Blake helps to make breakfast.
Happy Dad's Day everyone!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Firsts and Lasts

Since the weather has been sweltering, and the town pool doesn't open until the end of June (dang those high school lifeguards) I took the kids to Toys R Us on Saturday to get a little pool and a lot of relief. It seemed like a lot of people had the same idea. I guess since I NEVER shop on the weekends, I didn't realize how crowded it would be and kept waiting for a magic light to come on saying they were giving things away in aisle 11. So after riding all of the motorized vehicles and playing with every ball in the store, we emerged with a pool, a beach ball and a new kick ball since Olivia's burned up under the car. Blake got his first taste of pool life and even got to eat some grass, along with his first taste of a yummy ice pop! in the pool
first ice pop of the season

And now for the lasts. Yesterday was Olivia's last day of school. Now as a teacher, that sounds lovely, June 11, last day, how wonderful! But as a stay at homer with only 5 hours a week without one of the two children, I have to admit I am bummed! In that short time frame, I tend to work out, shower, clean, check email and update this blog. Talk about multi tasking! So as the summer approaches I guess I will get a little chubbier, smellier, dirtier and out of the loop on gossip! Hopefully we will have a grandma playdate every now and then (which really means Olivia spends the day at grandmas, pretending she is an only child) and I can get some things done:)

Last day with all of her sundress buddies...Megan, Blake (not in a sundress) Olivia, Alyssa and Paige!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hello is anyone out there?

So I would like to think that I am typing to an audience but with the lack of comments, I am not so sure. I think I am funny, does anyone else? Anyway I have some updates to report. Blake started the backwards crawling on Friday and forwards crawling today. He only made a few attempts without the face planting and was quite proud of himself. Not only did forward crawling occur but he figured out how to go from all fours to a sitting position. I saw him do it once on the rug and then when I went to get him from his crib after nap, he was sitting up looking at me! So not only did we continue to baby proof Olivia's toys, but we also had to lower the crib. There are so many things you forget you did with the first that you have to do all over again with the second:0


Friday, June 6, 2008

Family Fun

I can't believe I am only getting these pics from last weekend up and it's the weekend again already! We went to Mindowaskin Park in Westfield for a picnic and lots of playing. The kids enjoyed the swings and playground while Victor and I enjoyed the food! We also had surprise dinner guests...The Cook family joined us for yummy italian food on Saturday night.

I almost forgot...Blake discovered this morning how to go from a sitting position, lean forward, get up on all fours and started CRAWLING backwards...The cat and Olivia are a little put out by this! Blake loves to make this face and of course the noise that accompanies it.
Victor doing his best Blake imitation.
Dinosaur fun
My mom gave Olivia and I these matching aprons for Christmas. Check out the mini pot holder and oven mit...(I don't know why this pic landed in the middle of our park pics, but cute nonetheless.

Olivia running like Satan is chasing her. (FRIENDS reference for those of you who do not know)
Rounding third Cheese balls