Friday, June 6, 2008

Family Fun

I can't believe I am only getting these pics from last weekend up and it's the weekend again already! We went to Mindowaskin Park in Westfield for a picnic and lots of playing. The kids enjoyed the swings and playground while Victor and I enjoyed the food! We also had surprise dinner guests...The Cook family joined us for yummy italian food on Saturday night.

I almost forgot...Blake discovered this morning how to go from a sitting position, lean forward, get up on all fours and started CRAWLING backwards...The cat and Olivia are a little put out by this! Blake loves to make this face and of course the noise that accompanies it.
Victor doing his best Blake imitation.
Dinosaur fun
My mom gave Olivia and I these matching aprons for Christmas. Check out the mini pot holder and oven mit...(I don't know why this pic landed in the middle of our park pics, but cute nonetheless.

Olivia running like Satan is chasing her. (FRIENDS reference for those of you who do not know)
Rounding third Cheese balls

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