Thursday, June 12, 2008

Firsts and Lasts

Since the weather has been sweltering, and the town pool doesn't open until the end of June (dang those high school lifeguards) I took the kids to Toys R Us on Saturday to get a little pool and a lot of relief. It seemed like a lot of people had the same idea. I guess since I NEVER shop on the weekends, I didn't realize how crowded it would be and kept waiting for a magic light to come on saying they were giving things away in aisle 11. So after riding all of the motorized vehicles and playing with every ball in the store, we emerged with a pool, a beach ball and a new kick ball since Olivia's burned up under the car. Blake got his first taste of pool life and even got to eat some grass, along with his first taste of a yummy ice pop! in the pool
first ice pop of the season

And now for the lasts. Yesterday was Olivia's last day of school. Now as a teacher, that sounds lovely, June 11, last day, how wonderful! But as a stay at homer with only 5 hours a week without one of the two children, I have to admit I am bummed! In that short time frame, I tend to work out, shower, clean, check email and update this blog. Talk about multi tasking! So as the summer approaches I guess I will get a little chubbier, smellier, dirtier and out of the loop on gossip! Hopefully we will have a grandma playdate every now and then (which really means Olivia spends the day at grandmas, pretending she is an only child) and I can get some things done:)

Last day with all of her sundress buddies...Megan, Blake (not in a sundress) Olivia, Alyssa and Paige!

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