Monday, July 14, 2008


So starting on Wednesday we had our biweekly friends bbq that we hosted. Unfortunatley, due to rain, Olivia and I brought everything outside, then inside, then out again and finally we ended up in the house. The bbq's have grown so significantly in the past few years. We started out with two kids and 10 adults and are now up to the same 10 adults with 9 kids!

The Ladies...Ava, Kiera, Olivia, and Gabriella On Thursday my mother dropped off the Jacobus clan so that she could go to a meeting at the stables. So my nephew Kelly (who is 14) helped me watch Cole and Alexis (5 month twins), Jared (2), Olivia (3 1/2), and Blake (8 months). By the grace of God, Blake took a marathon 3 hour nap and I got Cole and Lexi to stop screaming long enough to take a few cute pics. We wouldn't have survived without Kelly who held Lexi the entire time while I held Cole!

Then Saturday it was off to Little Ferry for Baby Michael Greco's first birthday! The kids were so well behaved and napped in the car. Blake took a liking to a balloon set up and crawled around with them attached to him the entire party!

Balloon Fun!
Trying to get Victor to put him down!
Dazed and Confused

Happy Birthday Mikey!

3 out of 4 ain't bad!
It was also Uncle Reid's birthday on Saturday and Olivia was quite upset that there was no party planned. So after Little Ferry and a quick trip to the mall for a gift it was up to Auntie Jo Jo's for some birthday cupcakes for Uncle Reid.
Seriously am I still blogging?? Sunday brought Jared, Cole and Lexi's baptism. It was a gorgeous day with a wonderful ceremony and party to follow. Another long day in the car but the kids were troopers even though Victor and I were absolutely shot!
So much love
The twins, oh wait that's Poppy and Blake

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