Monday, April 28, 2008

Blake update and other great news!

Blake weighed in at the doctor this morning for his sixth month check up at 17 lbs. 10 oz. and 26 3/4 inches long. (Olivia was only 19 lbs. at her one year!) He is growing well and eating like a champ. Even though I lied to the doctor (I hope she doesn't read this) and said we just started solids (he's been chomping since around 4 months) His favorites are mango, bananas, avocado and carrots, not so crazy about green beans, and despises prunes. Olivia is having a great time helping me make his food, she is in charge of the blender button and scooping into the ice cube trays.

We have great news to report that the Digdos down in Tampa are not only pregnant (well Andrea is) but adding a little sister for Luke! The Venezia's added a little brother, Joey, to their family and we are waiting on the Kelly's this summer to see who will be joining Abby.

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