Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The kids and I made the trek out to Nanny and Poppy's on Saturday (poor Daddy was taking a course). Olivia had a blast and Blake enjoyed the sites of nature and the farm. I loved the company of course and was able to have someone else answer ALL of Olivia's questions!

I also think I have lost a bit of parental control when it comes to my own parents. (even though my mom says I never had it) I was inside with Blake and decided to see what everyone was up to, when to my surprise I came out to see Olivia about to get on Sassy, my mother's horse! What no asking of the mother, no permisson slip? What is going on? Anyway Olivia had a so much fun with all the animals, even Bailey:)

Nanny, Olivia and the nanny goats

Ridiing Sassy

Blake enjoying the sights
So much love for Bailey
Guess who bought this sweater? This is the one and only time and place he will wear it!
Playing school...little house on the prairie style!


Andrea said...

That looks much better than Doyle's Farm! You need to talk your mom into making a giant hay bale maze.

Alison said...

Dude, you need to make sure your Mom lets me ride Sassy in June. ha ha ha I want your pops to hold my hand while I ride too. :)