Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mr. Toothy Face

Blake cut his first tooth over the weekend and was quite the little trooper. The Motrin he was doped up on also helped. We have been taking every opportunity to get outside even if only to draw on the driveway with sidewalk chalk or to play with neighbor boys who have taught Olivia a few more wrestling moves. We have six boys on our block, two older, two her age and two younger, plus her brother and one more on the way from our neighbor Gabrielle. So I don't think she will be short of prom date! Anyway here are some pics from Blake's first swing ride (thanks Auntie for having a camera) and some other fun happenings. Super Fun!
Big Sister gives a push.
Hi Sweet Boy!

Olivia likes to read to Blake when he is in his exersaucer. She says it's because he listens to her I think it because this way he can't grab the book!
Newest favorite past time...hanging in Blake's pack n play!

This is what naps look like for Olivia now. She goes and goes until she finally passes out on the couch. That is her blessed Monkey, "D" draped across her. She just finished telling me she was "NOT TIRED" when I snapped this beauty.

1 comment:

michelle said...

be thankful she still takes naps anyway or anyplace she can get them. dylan never naps or gets tired. Blake & Olivia are both so cute. Blake has the most smiley smile possible. i can't wait to meet him. oh, and i love his ears too (i can relate; check out mine). haha