Monday, June 30, 2008

Sprinkler Fun!

Olivia has been enjoying some sprinkler fun over the last couple weeks but I never captured it on film since she usually goes in with Victor after Blake is in bed and I am doing whatever in the house. We busted it out this Saturday while Victor was at work and even Blake got in the action. Well not really he either cried or screamed when Olivia turned up the water too high and it got him soaked! Super fun dancing
He loves that suntan lotion bottle.
look at those chompers!
We also went to visit our friends the Massas. They welcomed a little baby girl Kaitlyn Hope. Olivia couldn't have been more excited to meet her. She held her, and fed her and was thrilled when Kaitlyn fell asleep on her! What a little mommy she will long as she waits another 20 plus years!

In other news...I used to poke fun of Mr. Riley's "podunk" teeth until quite recently. Well since I looked inside Blake's mouth and noticed one fang was through then a space then a tooth and then nothing! So he basically had every other tooth poking through on the top. They have now all poked through and vary in length which is quite funny to look at! So my apologies to Riley...

Blake is also pulling up on everything but has yet to figure out how to get down semi gracefully. I hate the head bonking stage!

1 comment:

Alison said...

See? Karma is a b*tch, huh? ha ha ha. Cute pics!