Monday, August 4, 2008


We spent the week in Beach Haven, LBI. The weather was phenomenal and so were the kids. After we finally figured out somewhat of a tag team schedule both parents and kids had some beach and pool time. Now we usually rent an oceanfront house but this year the pickins were slim, so we settled on a oceanfront condo with pool. Now the pool was definitely a bonus but sharing a deck, grill and picnic table was not. I am used to having our own stuff and the ability to sit outside and relax while the kids nap. I felt a little like a prisoner to the condo the first day as Blake took 2 almost 3 hour naps! But we figured it out and enjoyed ourselves. We had a nice visit with the Cooks and ate some tasty Chicken or the Egg for lunch.
When we got home on Saturday, unpacked the car, Victor and I looked at each other and said "okay so now when is our vacation?"

Riley and Via tubin' When I went to snap this, Riley said "CHEESE" so loudly!
Olivia on the pink elephants and some feast of something or other
Olivia had her first crush on a much older man. This sweet boy, Eric was staying in our complex and was so good to both Olivia and Blake. He was so kind and willing to share all his diving toys. Olivia would look out at the pool and say " Nope I don't see Eric yet." She was head over heels for him. Here they were catching jellyfish and throwing them back in the ocean to save their lives. (according to Eric)
The only pic of Mommy the entire vacation!
Blake actually managed to leave some sand at the beach!
I love this picture of Via!
Daddy and Boolah
Chillin at the rides!


Alison said...

Yay! P.s.- that's an awesome picture of you.

Buns&Donuts said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. First time in a while we didn't get to join you. Someday we will have you to "our" house in LBI and there will be no worries about renting anymore :)

Andrea said...

i love Olivia and the older boy, so sweet...totally reminds me of the Babysitters Club books. Did you read those? Thanks for the call, I always think of you when I have a child-free moment at the beach too!

Karly said...

Heather... our comment tab is finally up... thanks for reminding me. Thanks for checking out the blog. So nice to stay connected. Wish we were on LBI with you.

We miss you!!! The kids are especially tender about losing their friends. Madelyn keeps reassuring us we will be back in two years.

Love the Nielsen crew.