Sunday, September 21, 2008

Country Fair

First off, I am the first to complain and be disappointed with the lack of posts and now I have committed the same crime! So we're back...Olivia began the week with croup but has been on the upswing by the end. Blake has some nice boogs but since these are his firsts and he is so dang cute, they are not that bad...ahh a mother's love:)

Now onto pics...We met up with the Campos' and Bundonis' at the Shrine for a "country fair." I think they call it that so that they can get away with no rides. At first Olivia kept asking to go on the rides, but quickly realized pumpkin and face painting were the main attractions. We also made a half filled sand art butterfly.
I absolutely love this picture! I need to make it black and white. Blake learning all about the i-phone with Uncle Reid.
Shaye and Olivia chatting about their sand art necklaces.
All the ladies
And the boys!

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