Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Fun and First Day of School

On Saturday the kids and I sat around waiting for Hanna. We wanted to do some school shopping, realistically I wanted to do some school shopping, but Blake was cranky with his molars trying to pop through and I thought the humidity might kill us. So around 2:30pm Saturday, Hanna arrived. Olivia immediately ran downstairs, jumped into her rain boots and coat and was out the door!
On Sunday we hit the New Providence street fair for some pony rides, a petting zoo with an escapee goat, bouncy castle, pizza and ice cream. The weather was phenomenal and we definitely enjoyed it!
And finally today was Olivia's first day of school. I should really put her first one hour of school, since her school likes to ease the kids in. She was a little disappointed in the shortened schedule as there was no snack or outside time! And she reported to me that "Wesley spits when he talks." Oh I can hear the parent/teacher conference now!

This pic was taken last weekend but I couldn't leave out Olivia's pose! Hanging with Hanna
Street Fair
I had a surprise outfit all planned for Olivia to wear. We bought it special for the occasion and when it time to get dressed I got "it's nice Mom, but not for today, maybe next time." Seriously did I just get told off by a three year old?
Blake's excited to see Olivia go:) Ahh private Mommy time! HE ALSO TOOK SOME STEPS TODAY ALL BY HIMSELF! SHOW OFF:) He didn't want to be upstaged by Via's first day.

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