Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just some cute things...

Blake has been learning so many new things everyday that I felt the need to share:) I guess from watching Olivia, he puts the wooden blocks away. He will find a block whether it is on the rug, under the couch or in the dining room, he picks it up, crawls over to the bucket and puts it in! It is so funny to watch and listen as he is so proud of his accomplishments. Speaking of proud whenever he does something new or fun he makes this grunt noise with the biggest smile. Victor and I were just saying last might that this kid is ALWAYS happy. People stop me in the street or at a store b/c he has been flirting with whomever will flirt back! You can always count on a smile from Blake. Even at the very end of Sesame Place that boy was still smiling.
He is such a joy and has become quite the fighter when Olivia is involved. He screams, grunts and claps is hands when she does something he disapproves of. Blake will snatch toys back that Olivia has taken but of course does it with a smile. He tries climbing into the bathtub by himself and has figured out how to climb up onto Olivia's chairs and then onto the table! Oh boy am I in trouble! And the cutest thng ever is when he calls for Olivia...EEAA?? EEAA?? and looks all over for her. He also likes to cut a rug with any kind of music:)
Blake has also become quite the eater. He ate an entire grilled cheese sandwich and a half of a mango for lunch today. His newest favorites are black beans, rice, watermelon, cheese and yogurt drinks.

Olivia is off to school on Monday. As a teacher I never wanted to school to start as a mother I can't wait. She's bored with me and Blake and really wants to see her friends again! So as she moves onto school I can get back to working out and cleaning the house on a regular basis not fitting it in between naps!

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