Monday, November 3, 2008


So for those of you who don't know, Halloween is my all time favorite day of every year! So we started the day off at Olivia's school with her as Snow White and Blake as a chicken. Then we went trick or treating with Shaye the pumpkin and Olivia Snow White, Blake the Frog Prince and me as Mommy Snow White. We also met up with Olivia' boyfriend Max who plays for Green Bay! After all of the actual Halloween festivities we were on to Matteo's 1st birthday bash/costume party (on Saturday)...Olivia was now Cinderella, I was Felicity Shagwell, Victor Dr. Evil, and Blake as Mini Me! We had a great time and I am already thinking of next year's costumes:) For some reason the pics are a little out of order but you get the idea!

Olivia and Max gave up trick or treating and decided to chat about hot dogs in the wagon! Nice pose Snow White

The dueling Snow Whites

Mommy and her prince

Oh look a chicken!

The ladies and the boys

Dr Evil looked more like condom head!

Aunt Vicki the flapper

Dr. Evil and Mini Me

Cinderella the Cat?


Karly said...

Did you cut your hair? Looks good!

Where did you get your Snow White costume. We found Maddy's at Marshalls but I didn't look very hard for one for me... I would like one for next year. Any tips?


Heather said...

Luckily for me, my neighbor had the adult size one. Olivia's we got at TJ Maxx.

Yup the hair is gone! Thanks it was time for a change!