Saturday, April 12, 2008

A heart trying week

So this week has been a little trying on my heart. Earlier in the week Olivia, Blake and I went to the library. Olivia was busy doing a puzzle so Blake and I decided to look for books to take home, when he totally face planted. Now my boy NEVER cries and he let out quite a wail and would not stop. I think all the dogs in the neigborhood stood up and took notice. So after he calmed down and so did I, (Olivia ignored the entire situation) I looked down at his beautiful face and out of his little nose came a dribble of blood. I tried not to freak but we all know how easy it is to wipe a baby's nose and even more disturbing when it is blood. We both recovered quickly and left the library as soon as I could tear Olivia away from that dang puzzle.

Next on my heart trying journey and the worst thus far for me...We were happily playing in the park and Blake was his usual jovial self, laughing and smiling at all the kids. When this little girl peers into his stroller and in the biggest speech impediment, Staten Island accent says "his ears are weird!" (it actually sounded like this..his ewers aaare weeerrrd) I have never felt so protective in my life. Like a mother lioness about to pounce, I wanted to rip into this five year old like there was no tomorrow. I knew I would at some point have to defend my little man's ears but I didn't dream it would be when he is five months old! So as a tearily type this, pray for me that I find the strength and wisdom to make my precious boy comfortable and proud of his Poppy's ears that he has definitely inherited!


Buns&Donuts said...

You are also forgetting he's bald too!
and beautiful!

Alison said...

Aww, rough week. Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, eh?

Mama Pierce said...

my boy will be shaving before his first birthday with the daddy he has! (ps i am resisting the urge to post my original evil thoughts about that little girl. she's lucky she didnt accidentally "trip" haha!)

really im kidding (alison stop laughing)

Heather said...

At least your thoughts were on tripping...mine involved a tunnel slide with no escape! ha,ha

Bill said...

Your Dad's a great guy. One of the best! So are you and your family.

Love you,