Wednesday, September 24, 2008

11 months!?! Are you kidding me?

I was trying to snap these pictures, to get the full effect, and still have Blake's safety be a priority. He pushed Olivia's chair up to the window, climbed up and pulled down one of her pictures she had taped up there.

Happy 11 Month Birthday Blake! For some reason his first birthday is putting me over the edge! I feel very emotional even typing about it...How could a year have passed already? How can Olivia be turning 4 already? Hold on, stop the world, I want to get off! Okay enough about me and me freak-out-ness...

Blake is weighing in unofficially around 22lbs and is standing somewhere in the 30 inch mark. He is in love with his morning waffle and fruit. He is still trying to master the whole walking thing and loves to make us laugh. Blake is the master of imitations. Mostly anything Victor does, Blake will try to imitate. From burps to screams to yelling for Via, he will try his best:)

So Happy Birthday little man...we are enjoying every minute of you!


Karly said...

So dang cute! Where has the time gone?

Alison said...

See? and you used to freak out about how BIG Riley was at 1 year compared to's just a boy thing, I guess! See you Monday!

Karly said...

Where are the postings heather! I'm trying to be patient.
