Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sesame Place

Need I say more? Alright a little more. We ventured out to Sesame Place last Thursday with Aunt Alison, Uncle Jim and Riley. Last year I was waddling around all big and preggers so I definitely enjoyed this year more for obvious reasons. I still love the store the best! It is by far the most sensory overload place ever, but so much fun.
I promised Alison I wouldn't post any bathing suit pics but I had none of the Cooks. And realistically you can barely make out who is in the picture:)
This is what Olivia looked like on the ride there. Please tell me other people's children are as weird as mine!
I think "touch your nose" was part of the character training 101. EVERY character touched noses and rubbed heads. Blake was fascinated, Riley was okay with them and Olivia hid under the table!
slowest slide in America
Uncle Jim and Riley on the Flying Fish
The Parade


Karly said...

Looks like fun! I hope you can join us at Disneyland one of these days!

Lots of love,

Mama Pierce said...

as i said on the nerdblog - we are so crashing this trip next year!

Olivias carseat picture has me cracking UP!